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Cerebral palsy is a major cause of childhood disability. Besides physical disability, clinical, neurological, orthopedic, sensory, mental health, and neurodevelopmental disorders may coexist and require continuous care. Consequently, there is a risk of burden on the main caregiver and an impact on the family and siblings’ quality of life.


To investigate the associations between caregivers’ burden, family quality of life, and siblings’ quality of life in Brazilian families of children with cerebral palsy, and to analyze siblings’ quality of life using as a parameter the quality of life of typically developed Brazilian children.


It was a cross-sectional study. The 212 families, 212 caregivers and 131 siblings completed the Family Quality of Life Scale, Burden Interview, and KIDSCREEN-27 Child and Adolescent Version and Parents Version questionnaires at a neurorehabilitation center in southeast Brazil. Univariable and multivariable models were used.


Family quality of life significantly worsened as caregivers’ burden increased (95 % CI -0.66 to-0.38). Caregivers’ burden was significantly lower with increasing family quality of life scores (95 % CI-0.52 to -0.30). Self-reported siblings’ quality of life was significantly worse than that of their typically developed peers (95 % CI -7.6 to -3.6). Self-reported siblings’ quality of life was significantly lower as siblings’ age (95 % CI -2.52 to -0.59) and caregivers’ burden (95 % CI -0.35 to -0.05) increased. Parent-reported siblings’ quality of life was significantly lower with increasing caregivers’ burden (95 % CI-0.45 to -0.16) and higher as family quality of life increased (95 % CI 0.09 to 0.37).


The cross-sectional nature of these data precludes any statement of causality. Family quality of life worsened with higher caregivers’ burden levels. Lower caregivers’ burden scores were associated with a higher family quality of life. Siblings’ quality of life was impaired as compared to typically developed peers, worse among older siblings, and as caregivers’ burden increased and better with higher family quality of life levels. Future multicenter studies may validate the generalizability of the present findings.


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Palavras Chave

quality of life; Cerebral palsy; sibling


Paralisia cerebral
